Plumbing and Electrical Beginner’s Guide

Homestyler Official 8 November

The content of this blog includes precautions for using plumbing and electrical functions, how to use them, and how to export.

What to prepare for plumbing and electrical design?

To improve the success rate of the design, ensure the following two points:

1.A complete design plan must include all furniture that connects to the electrical circuit (e.g., fixtures and appliances) or plumbing (e.g., showers and sinks).

2.Room names should be set appropriately. (See the image below for naming guidance.)

Plumbing and Electrical Access

1.Go to the left menu: Customize < Plumbing and Electrical.

Interface Introduction

1.Left Side: Add lighting, electrical panels, low and high voltage boxes, and hot/cold water pipes.

2.Top: Access common functions including rendering, which generates a 3D diagram showing pipe and circuit layouts.

3.Bottom of the Top Section: Four features, with "Auto Layout" combining "High Voltage System," "Auto Placement," and "Auto Piping."

4.Manual Piping Layout: For customizing pipes or circuits.

5.Switch views to see 3D layouts of pipes and circuits.

How to Use?

You can choose between two design modes: Auto Layout or Custom Layout.

Auto Layout

1.Add electrical panels to the walls and adjust their positions. (If your model appears as gray blocks in this interface, don't worry; it's just a visual representation and won't affect your final design.)

2.Click “Auto Layout” at the top, which will automatically generate electrical and plumbing layouts. (Note that previously added pipes and circuits will be cleared.)

3.If there are points or lines you don’t want auto-adjusted, uncheck them before generating.

4.After generation, review the pipe design.

5.To adjust pipe or circuit positions, switch to 3D view and select the pipe/circuit to modify on the right.

6.The other three features can automatically generate based on your needs, and "Auto Layout" includes these functions.

7.If not needed, you can clear specific types.

Custom Layout

Before adding, ensure you have all relevant furniture, switches, electrical components, and water outlets ready.

1.Select “Manual Piping Layout” and choose the pipe to add (e.g., High Voltage Pipe). (Switch to 2D view for convenience; shortcut key is 1.)

2.A green outline indicates where you can draw.

3.Hover the pencil over a socket/switch to change the outline to blue, then draw. Connect two points to generate a circuit. Press “Esc” to exit the command.


You can render or export construction drawings.


On the plumbing page, click the “Render” button to access the rendering page and receive a 3D circuit diagram. (Note: Rendering from the plumbing page is required to display pipes; other entrances will not show them.)

Render Demo:

Construction Drawings

Exit the current page and go to the “Construction Drawings” section to obtain diagrams for switches, sockets, and plumbing.

Light Control:

Switch and Socket Diagram

Water Supply Layout:

6140 14


cezar.icq 9 November
does this section only work for new projects? or can it be connected to existing ones? If possible, how?
kontakt 7 January
Hi, The issue with the program is that when I generate an electrical installation on the second floor and try to set up lighting controls, two problems occur. Firstly, the dashed lines connecting the light switches to the lamps are not visible. Secondly, all these lines appear on the ground floor instead of being distributed across the correct floors. The same issue occurs when exporting the drawing to a PDF. All the lighting control elements from both floors are combined and shown on each floor, making the drawings unclear.
VENE Fernandez 15 January
Наталья Бурова 8 December
Medor1me 8 December
hello can i have my money back pls?
Andrey Beloborodov 2 December
Добрый день! Пропал этот раздел, как решить эту проблему?
Homestyler support 21 November
Hi, we suggest you open our tool through this address:〈=en_US @ cezar.icq
does this section only work for new projects? or can it be connected to existing ones? If possible, how?
Victoria Ger 17 November
gracias genio!!
Sandra Lawson 14 November
I think I got the hand over it already. I have already made my own designs a long time ago
Toma Tomm 14 November
Homestyler support 12 November
Ok, thank you for your picture, and we here send you the new address, please open through this address to check again < > @ cezar.icq
does this section only work for new projects? or can it be connected to existing ones? If possible, how?
Елена Гроздилова 12 November
Homestyler support 11 November
Hello, thank you for your feedback:) And could you please show us pictures to make us clear on your issue ' the pipes passing through the doors could be edited, as raising them crosses the pipes and makes it difficult to create a circuit above the frame. ' ? Thank you. And about the issue for hot water pipes on kitchen cabinets, you may add the 'Inlet' to the cabinet and the other side such as bathroom on 2D view first, then you are suppose to add the pipes successfully. And please be aware that while adding pipes, just select the options you want to add to avoide the duplicated pipes:) @ Carolina Quiñonez
Para islas de cocina con bacha, no esta sirviendo la colocación de llaves de agua fría/caliente. Por favor, si puede revisar eso. Por otra parte, estaría bueno qué se puedan editar el tema del pase de cañerías por las puertas, ya que al elevarlas las cruzan y no deja como hacerle el circuito por encima del marco.
Carolina Quiñonez 11 November
Para islas de cocina con bacha, no esta sirviendo la colocación de llaves de agua fría/caliente. Por favor, si puede revisar eso. Por otra parte, estaría bueno qué se puedan editar el tema del pase de cañerías por las puertas, ya que al elevarlas las cruzan y no deja como hacerle el circuito por encima del marco.
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