This design was inspired by stories such as Narnia by the author C S Lewis where any fantasy world is possible if you possess enough imagination and can believe in magic. The template has the addition of a covered terrace outside, where the forest floor adjoins the house and the fantasy begins.
The mix of snow and fairy lights always looks enchanting.... add deer and ice covered fountains and the magic begins.
The deer possess a half real, half statue quality so perfect for this theme.
The children's beds were a starting point for this design and a Homestyler artwork became the enchanted forest surroundings duplicated across the walls.
The colours where coordinated throughout in wintry shades of ice blues. whites and pale frosted aqua.
So much fun letting your imagination run away with you... and to see through the eyes of a child.
Woodland folk mingle with the children's toys and possessions.
Teddy corner.
A birds eye view.
This shot really conveys the magic I wanted to create.
So remember as you close your eyes to sleep and all is quiet..... maybe its time for the fantasy to begin.
Children's imaginations are often far more interesting than our own.... because if you believe in magic....then anything is possible!!