Red State Library
Installed with modern manufactured flat pack staircases and railings to take advantage of an existing downtown building with exceptionally high ceilings. For this library application we really just need a steel and masonry bone structure. Because this library is in a state controlled by extremists who've fired all the librarians and replaced them with political henchmen. Notice no books are on the shelves. Book requests must be filed through the party and will be retrieved from the secure area.
Men control who enters and exits.
Women may check out books but before they can read them or leave the book gets thrown in the fire.
More white men stand around and make sure you don't read. No Librarians, just hired political goons. This home design project - Red State Library was published on 2023-10-17 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 56 popular, exquisite models
a man standing in front of a large table filled with food