Come si cambiano i piani?

rosamaria.grauso 2 November

Ciao a tutti,

sto utilizzando il tool da una settimana circa, e ora che sono giunta alla creazione del giardino, mi sono resa conto di aver creato prima il primo piano e poi il piano terra, che di fatto è stato registrato come B1, quindi se aggiungo il giardino lo annette al piano superiore.

Qualcuno può spiegarmi se c'è un modo di cambiare il tipo di piano senza perdere tutto il lavoro fatto?

Il risultato finale dovrebbe essere P1 e P2, mentre ora ho B1 e P1.

Grazie mille,


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Homestyler support 7 November
Thank you for your suggestion, we will transfer your issue to our technical team:) @ rosamaria.grauso
@homestyler support Thanks but this is quite impossible, the three floors are Totally different from one another and there is no similar one, plus I already created everything including the minimal details, and already lost one floor once, so I would prefere not to undergo this process again. perhaps this is a good hint for the developers to work on :)
rosamaria.grauso 7 November
@homestyler support Thanks but this is quite impossible, the three floors are Totally different from one another and there is no similar one, plus I already created everything including the minimal details, and already lost one floor once, so I would prefere not to undergo this process again. perhaps this is a good hint for the developers to work on :) @ rosamaria.grauso
Hello, This house is made of three floors, but theit plant shapes are all different, so I cannot swap them, additionally I have created P1, B1 and B2, where I should have P1, P2 and B1. Does anyone know how, and if, I can change the tag of the ground floor from B1 to P1 as it should be? This is the main issue I have, for the other two floors I don't care what the tag is, as long as I can add a garden that is automatically attached to the actual ground floor. Thanks! :)
Homestyler support 6 November
Hello, you can change the order of the floors by this way: @ rosamaria.grauso
Hello, This house is made of three floors, but theit plant shapes are all different, so I cannot swap them, additionally I have created P1, B1 and B2, where I should have P1, P2 and B1. Does anyone know how, and if, I can change the tag of the ground floor from B1 to P1 as it should be? This is the main issue I have, for the other two floors I don't care what the tag is, as long as I can add a garden that is automatically attached to the actual ground floor. Thanks! :)
rosamaria.grauso 6 November
Hello, This house is made of three floors, but theit plant shapes are all different, so I cannot swap them, additionally I have created P1, B1 and B2, where I should have P1, P2 and B1. Does anyone know how, and if, I can change the tag of the ground floor from B1 to P1 as it should be? This is the main issue I have, for the other two floors I don't care what the tag is, as long as I can add a garden that is automatically attached to the actual ground floor. Thanks! :) @ Homestyler support
Hello, you can change the shape of the rooms manually after you added the floor with same shapes:)
Homestyler support 4 November
Hello, you can change the shape of the rooms manually after you added the floor with same shapes:)
vardan vardanyan 4 November
Переместите 1 этаж на второй, рядом с P1- четыре полоски, перетащите на верх. Первый этаж окажется на втором. Потом постройте поверхность из линий и выдавите плоскость. Эта плоскость будет вашим ландшафтом
vardan vardanyan 4 November
я тоже ищу и пока не могу найти решение
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